Double uterus

A double uterus, also known as uterus didelphys, is a congenital uterine anomaly where a woman has two separate uteri, each with its own cervix and sometimes a partially or completely divided vaginal canal. This condition occurs during embryonic development when the Müllerian ducts, which normally fuse to form a single uterus, remain separate.

Key Points about Double Uterus (Uterus Didelphys)

Dual Uteri and Cervix: In uterus didelphys, a woman has two distinct uteri, each with its own cavity and cervix. The uteri may share a common vaginal septum, or there may be two separate vaginal canals.

Variations in Severity: The severity of uterus didelphys can vary. In some cases, the uteri may be completely separated, while in others, they might share a portion of the uterine wall.

Impact on Fertility: Uterus didelphys may be associated with an increased risk of fertility challenges, such as difficulty conceiving or an increased risk of pregnancy complications. However, many women with this condition can still have successful pregnancies.

Diagnosis: Diagnosis is typically made through imaging studies, such as ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or hysterosalpingography (HSG). These tests help visualize the uterine anatomy and confirm the presence of two uteri.

Pregnancy Management: Women with a double uterus who become pregnant may require specialized care and monitoring. The risk of certain complications, such as breech presentation or preterm birth, may be increased.

Treatment: Treatment depends on the individual’s medical history and reproductive goals. In some cases, surgical intervention may be recommended to address specific issues, such as a septum or vaginal abnormalities.

Normal Sexual Function: While the presence of a double uterus may not directly impact sexual function, some women with uterus didelphys may experience challenges related to the presence of a vaginal septum. Surgical correction can address such concerns.

Individualized Care: Management of uterus didelphys is often individualized based on the woman’s unique circumstances. Our expert will consider factors such as fertility goals, any associated reproductive challenges, and the presence of additional anomalies.

Hysteroscopy on Double Uterus

In cases of double uterus (uterus didelphys), hysteroscopy plays a pivotal role in both diagnosis and targeted therapeutic interventions. Through direct visualization of the uterine cavity, hysteroscopy allows for precise assessment of the structural anomalies, such as the presence and characteristics of a septum dividing the uteri. Therapeutically, hysteroscopy enables skilled reproductive specialists to surgically resect or correct the septum, contributing to the creation of a more unified and conducive uterine environment for conception. This minimally invasive procedure not only aids in addressing fertility challenges associated with double uterus but also holds the potential to enhance overall reproductive outcomes by optimizing the uterine structure.
Whether addressing fertility concerns, providing pregnancy management, or offering surgical interventions when necessary, Guru Hospital stands out for its holistic approach and commitment to optimizing the well-being of women with a double uterus. For women with uterus didelphys seeking to conceive, Guru Hospital offers comprehensive preconception counseling, fertility assessments, and individualized care plans. The hospital’s multidisciplinary approach, coupled with advanced medical technologies, positions it as a trusted destination for those navigating the complexities of reproductive health.

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