Donor Egg Program

An infertile couple receives a lady who gives her eggs; the eggs are fertilized with the husband’s sperm and, following ideal preparation, the resulting high-quality embryos are returned to the wife’s uterus.

Donor eggs are frequently used by patients as a final option. Before choosing a choice, it is essential to comprehend the procedure in its entirety. Donor eggs are significantly less expensive than repeatedly trying and will result in a healthy kid. Patients frequently have a lot of queries and worries while talking about donor egg operations. Pregnancy from donor eggs is more likely than from any other kind of treatment. More families would be able to enjoy the happiness of welcoming a baby as a result. This would make it possible for more families to enjoy the happiness that comes with having a kid. The goal of Guru Infertility Center is to offer egg donation services while maintaining the couple’s privacy and permission.

What Are the Various Requirements for Egg Donors?

The general guidelines for IVF donors are listed below:

  • 21 to 36 years old; possessing a minimum of one naturally born, healthy child; and exhibiting favorable physical and mental health markers.
  • Must not carry any infectious, inherited, or genetic illnesses that could harm the progeny.
  • This age range for IVF using an egg donor is because women respond best to hormonal medication treatment during this time. They also produce a lot of excellent eggs.
  • Depending on their package type, the couple may choose to add conditions such as beauty, better education, or other points.

Who is eligible with Egg Donation?

If a woman meets the physical requirements listed below, she may be able to become a natural mother through egg donation programs.

  • low number of eggs
  • Low-quality eggs
  • experienced radiation therapy or chemotherapy in the reproductive region, which resulted in a decrease in the number of eggs
  • A history of miscarriages
  • exceeded the desired conception age
  • reached the menopause
  • experienced ligation
  • In vitro fertilization failures on several occasions
  • A decreased egg count—insufficient to create a child—can result from the aforementioned medical disorders. Women in these circumstances can therefore proceed with egg donation programs. Reproductive or genetic disorders are the main factors influencing egg count. Women who have these kinds of medical issues shouldn’t feel bad about themselves or give up.

If you find yourself in a similar situation, you should get in touch with us

Process of egg freezing at Guru infertility centre

Another name for the procedure of freezing eggs is oocyte cryopreservation. How should your or a donor’s egg be frozen? The woman’s extracted eggs are frozen for extended periods at below-zero temperatures or -196 degrees Celsius in liquid nitrogen. This is done to stop the egg’s biological activity completely and will be used in IVF and IUI therapies in the future.

For women who do not intend a pregnancy right now but want to be certain that they will be able to conceive in the future or have a biological kid, egg freezing is a safe and beneficial way to kill time. 

Tests associated with Egg Donor

Successful donors reduce the chance of fetal birth abnormalities and guarantee the future child’s genetic makeup is healthy.

  • A medical professional’s physical examination; blood tests; ultrasound diagnostics and other procedures about the reproductive system;
  • screening for infectious diseases;
  • screening for all recognized genetic disorders or for common inherited diseases, based on the program selected;
  • testing every month for narcotics, cigarettes, and precursors;
  • evaluation of mental health

The egg donors chosen at Guru Infertility Center are best matched to the couple’s phenotypic traits. In addition, while using donor eggs for IVF, people’s personal preferences are always respected.

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