
Cryopreservation allows for the long-term preservation of gametes (eggs and sperm), embryos, blastocysts, ovarian tissue, and testicular tissue. This facility will lower the overall cost of treatment operations and increase cumulative success rates. It will allow for the easy transfer of preserved embryos or blastocysts in the following cycles for cases that do not require extensive monitoring.

A person may think about getting fertility treatment for a variety of reasons. Depending on the situation, it might guarantee their ability to establish a family in the future or ensure they can start one right now. Cryopreservation is an essential component of reproductive treatment. This is frequently an essential part of other reproductive therapies and aids in the procedures involved in donation and retrieval. The procedure of cryopreservation involves freezing eggs or sperm at temperatures below zero (-150?). This aids in the preservation of the sperm or embryos for future usage. Our fertility Specialist will discuss this procedure with you as an option for treatment.

There are two common techniques: the slow freezing technique and the quick freezing technique, which is the most recent one and is also known as vitrification. Vitrification facilitates the fast ice crystallization of cytoplasm, effectively maintaining cell integrity. To use the tissues for further culture or embryo transfer, they must be thawed to their initial room temperature.

What is the purpose of cryopreservation?

There are several purposes for which cryopreservation is used.  Because the embryos and sperm are safely kept at these extremely low temperatures (-150*C), there is less chance of cellular damage or death. Cell damage may occasionally occur during the freezing phase, although there are many techniques to avoid such problems.

Types of Cryopreservation

  1. Egg Cryopreservation / Egg Freezing – The first thing we need to do if you’re interested in egg freezing is to make sure you’re qualified. Your age has a significant role because the quality of your eggs determines your future chances of becoming pregnant, and these chances decrease with age. Therefore, when recommending if egg freezing is something you should think about, we’ll evaluate your fertility through extensive testing and take important criteria like your age into account.
  2. Sperm Cryopreservation / Sperm freezing – Sperm cells are preserved using a process called sperm freezing, sometimes referred to as semen cryopreservation or sperm banking. A sperm sample can be frozen and used at a later time if needed. Additionally, sperm from suitable candidates is kept in storage at surrogacy treatment. The procedure of cryopreservation guarantees that the sperm’s viability is maintained indefinitely. In the future, artificial insemination methods similar to test tube baby therapy could be employed to fertilize the female egg using the frozen semen that has been thawed. The expense of freezing and thawing the semen comes in addition to the cost of IVF.
  3. Embryo Cryopreservation / Embryo freezing – The idea of preserving embryos for later use is becoming more and more acceptable to many couples or single women undergoing treatment for test-tube babies. After becoming pregnant, patients in India typically wind up with a few extra embryos because the country has the greatest success rate for IVF. These embryos can be preserved and used later if the patient decides to become pregnant again thanks to embryo vitrification. This is an additional advantage of the steadily declining cost of IVF in India, which has made the procedure more and more accessible to childless couples. Because of economies of scale, embryo vitrification—which was once an expensive procedure—has become more accessible.

Advantages of Cryopreservation

  • Preserving Fertility
  • Enhanced Success percentages
  • Flexibility in when to become a parent
  • reduction in the number of treatment cycles
  • reduces the psychological strain brought on by infertility treatments

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